Dear Lord,
The grieving process has begun as You are making Your will clear to us, even though we don't want to believe it (is this really Your last word on this matter?) and would greatly prefer Your making another decision, full healing, instead. This is our hope still, and we know we must set this hope aside (aside Lord, but never put away), and work through what You have placed before us.
Rachel's Departure is close at hand. Only You know the exact date and time, as You know for all of us, but it seems a good bet that Rachel will depart for Your Home before the rest of us. So how do we handle this Lord?
We take our lead once again, from Warrior Princess Rachel, who is using her RTOE (remaining time on earth) to pray for salvation for those who do not know You, that her life and example will touch someone who doesn't know You, who thinks all of this is crazy.
How can she know, really know where she is going?
How can her family be so sure, really, really sure they will see her again?
"I told you and you believeth not: the works that I do in my Father's Name, they bear witness of me." John 10:25
The works Rachel and the Arnold Family have done bear witness that Jesus is real. The words they speak, the desires of the their heart, the actions they do, everything aimed at attracting, convincing, cajoling the unsaved to come forth for salvation, for hell to decrease and heaven to increase, they do in Your Name.
And You are pleased. Rachel's reward is prepared and her Mansion is waiting.
So now that we know that Rachel's Departure is imminent, we are in awe that Your family chose this time, even in their deep grief, to extend the call of salvation. Warrior Princess Rachel is using her last moments to lead the rest of us in the call for souls. What a leader! Rachel is rallying us not to give up, that this journey has been a Soul Call all along, and it's time to get busy in bringing in the harvest.
We can't help but think of Paul at this time and now we know what Rachel is looking forward to.
"For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."
2 Tim 4:6-8.
And so Lord, with grieving hearts, but strengthened by Rachel's leadership and the example bravely set forth by the entire Arnold family, we know what we must do.
1. We will pray for lost souls, that those who have witnessed The-Story-of-Rachel from a distance these past two years may be brought to You through her courage and bravery in the Fight. We pray that those online, who read the blogs, will come to salvation. We pray that those nearby, who kept an emotional distance from all of this, will drop their defenses, and cry out, "What must I do to be saved?" And we will be ready to lead them to You.
2. We pray for Husband-of-Rachel and Sons-of-Rachel, that You will embrace them, hold them tenderly, and let them know that You will tend to the hurt they feel from giving up their beloved Wife and Mom. We pray You will guide them day by day, minute by minute, second by second, until they see Wife and Mom again. As Mom Barbara has stated, Rachel is going on ahead on a long vacation. She will be waiting for their arrival.
3. We pray for Rachel's Family, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, neices and nephews, grandparents, and dear friends, that You strengthen and comfort them as Rachel prepares for her departure. We thank You again for Betty Ann's honesty and transparency in keeping the window shade up on the family's struggle for Rachel, and in doing so, kept the prayer wheels turning.
4. We pray for Mom Barbara and Dad Ed, who have wept, struggled, and grieved over the affliction You chose to bring to their precious one Rachel. We pray their comfort and safekeeping in the days ahead.
5. We will pray on, rowing, soldiering, and watching through this journey and after Rachel's departure, for Your family,Your beloved Arnold family, and for the souls to come to You as a result of their mighty witness.
It is our privilege to be a part of this journey You called us to and we continue in prayer to You, our Ancient of Days, Captain of the Host, God-Hero, Prince of Peace, Mighty Counselor, Everlasting Father, the Big Breasted One, Chief Shepherd, Lifter of Heads, Grief Allayer, Strong Tower, Mighty Fortress, Shelter In the Time of Storm, Deliverer.